
Showing posts from December, 2022

An Ethical Argument for Health Insurance Coverage of Paternal Prenatal Genetic Testing

Despite evidence-based recommendations from the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and the American College of Medical Genetics to offer prenatal genetic carrier screening for reproductive partners, partner carrier screening or genetic testing is inconsistently covered by pregnant patients' health insurance plans. Health policies that exclude reproductive partners from insurance coverage for prenatal carrier screening or genetic testing contradict multiple ethical principles and can even contribute to adverse maternal–child health outcomes. Incomplete or missing information regarding partner carrier status can lead to costly, invasive, and potentially risky interventions for the pregnant patient that can be avoided by a simple and less expensive blood test in the reproductive partner. Lack of information regarding carrier status also harms the neonate by obviating an opportunity for early detection and treatment of potential medical complications. Insurance polici...

Adaptation Considerations

  The very first hour in a baby’s life can have a significant, life-long impact on the health of the baby and on the neuro-motor developmental outcome. The transition to extra-uterine life is a remarkable physiological event that involves a series of modifications that depend on the degree of maturation in late gestation and the process of delivery itself. The establishment of the independent physiological processes for regulating homeostasis takes place. These events are establishment for regular pattern of respiration, change from parallel to serial circulation, oral feeding, thermoregulation and metabolic adjustments including the glucose homeostasis . The events are affected by many factors, which play vital role in the process, as demanding changes need to occur in a short period of time. The focus of clinicians on early postnatal care is aimed at delayed clamping of umbilical cord, appropriate use of non-invasive ventilation and oxygen, and thermoregulation. This overview ...